Monday, 14 August 2017


What attracts you to a book first? What is it that makes you stop and think, "Ooh, that looks good." I'm always fascinated by this question, because the answers can be so diverse.

Is it the author themselves?

Is it the title?

How about the cover?

What about the blurb?

Or do you ignore all of those and wait for the reviews?

For me, its a mixture of all of the above. There are authors who I would read their shopping lists if they released them. Sometimes a title leaps out at me. One that always sticks in my head is "Dude, Did You Just Bite Me?" And of course the cover is often what draws you in first. But, even though the cover draws me in, it doesn't always make me get my purse out. The blurb has to be one of, if not, the most important part for me. If my spidey senses aren't tingling when I read those few lines, it doesn't matter to me how great the cover is.

How about you? What tickles your fancy?

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