Wednesday 13 July 2011


Please join me today as Laura gives us a snippet of her book:

Overview of The Virtus Saga Series:
The World

Sex, sex and more sex without limits or boundaries—not in numbers, not in gender, whether it’s the phase, the pledge or the heat—such is Sendar’s very foundation, an apparently peaceful planet, without the usual pestilences associated with mankind, wars, hunger, violence. But is it really so ?

The Characters

Lost while returning home, Duncan Caldwell, only son and heir of Prince Charles Caldwell, finds shelter in Ylianor Meyer’s rundown shack. The beautiful woman has a very familiar air, but for the life of him, he cannot remember who she is or resist the attraction he feels, despite his aristocratic tastes. So he offers her a job as Black Rose’s stable keeper, only to find out she’s the daughter of his father’s mistress. But will this stop the fatal pull drawing him to her bed?

Lord Christopher Templeton is fiercely in love with Duncan Caldwell, a love started before either was old enough to know what love is, which continues until Duncan decides it’s time for him to find a woman. But Chris is determined to hold on to his prince no matter what it takes, even if he has to face the hated rival he had already driven away from his lover’s side, once, so long ago.

Ylianor Meyer has been in love with Duncan Caldwell since the very beginning, growing up with him on the green hills and cliffs of Black Rose. Banned by Prince Charles’s mate, she hasn’t seen Duncan for over 10 years, but when he walks in her rundown shack, she knows she still loves him as passionately as when she was merely nine-years-old. So she follows him, no matter what the consequences, no matter what his despicable lover will do to drive her away…again.

Lord Arthur Fairchild, leader of the High Council, knows time is slipping away from his grasp and Sendar will be condemned if his hero doesn’t come forth soon. So he summons him—not just him, but also the ones he’s connected to by lifetimes of bonding love and feelings so strong they’ve transcended time and space. And the uncontrollable power, the Virt, the energy running wild on Sendar only complicate matters.

The pyramid

Three-sided like the three lovers full of power and explosive feelings, Virtus controls Sendar in ways they have yet to discover and if they can, change.

The story
Unknown to most, powerful forces dominate Sendar’s feudal-like society, the ability to wield destructive energy so strong in some people, it’s threatening to devastate their world. But to reach a new balance you have to learn, grow, blend with the world from which you come, then go beyond it before the world collapses into chaos. And that’s what Duncan, Chris and Ylianor must learn to do if sex, power, magic, passion and jealousy won’t stand in their way.

The Virtus Saga 1: The Sex
Laura Tolomei
eXtasy Books
Genre: GLBT, Gay, Fantasy, Paranormal, Ménage, m/m, m/m/f, f/f, m/m/m, m/f/ff
ISBN: 978-1-55487-516-0
Release date: March 1st, 2010
Buy at Amazon kindle:

EPIC eBook Awards Competition™ 2011 nominated The Sex as a FINALIST in the Category Fantasy Erotic Romance

If Sendar stood a chance perhaps it would be thanks to the arbitrary twists and turns of a blind destiny. Or maybe someone would discover the truth about the ancient ways and compromise our peaceful existence forever. Either way, people needed a hero to shed new light on the age-old mysteries. And he was just about to answer their prayers.

PG13 Excerpt (M/F)

Her breath caught in her throat as she turned around to answer. Like the first time she had seen him, he gave the impression of being too big for the available space, his magnificent body more attractive than ever with the long black strands dripping tiny streaks of water on a bare chest that displayed an impressive set of muscles before narrowing to the waist, wrapped by the blanket. She also could not help feeling his heat, but even if temptation to touch him seemed irresistible, she knew better. “Much.” Then she turned to face the fire, so she would not have to look at him.

Dropping down on a comfortable carpet, she pretended to stare at the high flames, particularly when he sat right next to her, although she did not need her eyes to feel the powerful energy or the scorching desire trapped in his body, screaming for release. Ironic as it seemed, it was the second time fate had created a sensual opportunity, trapping her in a secluded cabin, alone with a man women dreamed about, and if Sarah Jennings had been in her place, there would have been no trace of a blanket anywhere on her body, Ylianor mused, repressing a giggle.

The prince turned to look at her. “Is there something funny you’d like to share?”
“Well, this whole situation is funny. Here I am with a person I thought I’d never see again for the rest of my life, forced to spend another night together.” The hint of a smile curved her lips. “I guess, when you’re back in a girl’s life, you make sure she notices it…even if she’d rather have nothing to do with you.” She made it sound like an afterthought, though her stomach crunched painfully at the obvious lie.

He regarded her coolly, then called her bluff. “My dear, you’re not a prisoner, you know. You’re free to leave whenever you want.”
“Right!” She quipped hotly. “As if I’d ride out in the middle of a storm.”

He chuckled. “I meant when the weather calms down, but I’d be surprised if you did. It must’ve taken a lot of guts—”
“I’d call it stupidity.”

His eyes flashed in disaccord. “Whatever it was, it mustn’t have been easy to return to Black Rose after how my family treated you, especially considering nothing ties you to the place.”

“Nothing…except the past.” Ruefully, Ylianor let out a deep breath, her thoughts running to Prince Charles and his soothing love.
“Aren’t I a part of that past?” His eyes searched her face before he continued. “Judging from what David told me, you used to like me.” He grinned mischievously. “And people tell me I’m a likable fellow now more than ever.”
“You don’t need to play games with me.” Ylianor scolded annoyed. “You’ve always had my complete attention then and now, even if I’m not sure I want you back in my life.”
“Why not? Was it better without me?” Suddenly, the black eyes clouded. “Or do you perceive me as a threat?”

Gaze still locked on the prince, Ylianor only wanted to drown in him, forgetting about stupid questions, too dizzy by now from hunger and cold. His nearness did not help matters either, the acute awareness of his body pressing at her side making her legs weak with the unbearable need to feel his arms around her and his warm lips pressing—

With an effort, she pulled her gaze and mind away from temptation. “Yes, I do, probably something to do with our childhood.”
He smiled apologetically. “Since I can’t remember, maybe you ought to fill me in.”

Ylianor’s lips curved bitterly. “I’m sure you don’t need my share of bad memories. It’s better if you stick to the pleasant ones in which I don’t appear.”

Duncan’s head bent on his knees as if he were trying hard to resist some impulse or simply taking his mind off whatever was gnawing at him. She had noticed, of course, could not help noticing it as a matter of fact, his energy speaking louder than any word.
“I’m sorry.” Raising his head, he looked at her apologetically. “I don’t know you or what your life has been like. I shouldn’t have asked.”

Ylianor’s heart went out to him. “No, forgive me. I shouldn’t have answered like that. I’m glad for the opportunity to do something with my life, really. I’d have wandered aimlessly in search of…” She shrugged as her voice trailed off. “Something,” she added eventually, before a stray thought hit her, spreading an amused smile on her face. “And it’s not as bad as it seems. We’ve been friends before, so I don’t see why we can’t be again.” She turned to him, but her confidence vanished upon realizing how much she wanted to touch him. Yeah, sure as if I could ever be friends with someone who turns my stomach upside down simply by looking at him! Her heart was racing, her thighs tingled and a strange throb between her legs did not make things any easier.

“I’m not sure I can think of you as a friend,” was his cold reply.
Of course not. What a stupid fool to think even—
“Damn!” Grabbing her shoulders, he cursed again. “I might regret this for the rest of my life, but the gods know I want more, much more.”

Closing his mouth on hers, Prince Caldwell took their conversation to a completely different level, drawing her closer while his tongue carefully explored the warm opening, making her head spin and her body heat out of control.

Join me next Wednesday when my guest will be Kelly M - one of my favourite readers of the genre.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fabulous! A big thank you to Laura for joining me today and I wish you many sales :)
